How long until I get my videos back?

It depends on the size of your order but it can take 2 to 4 weeks to process and have it shipped back to you.


What do I get my videos/pictures back on?

Your media will be on a convenient USB stick.


Where can I play my digital videos?

The videos are playable on almost any device that takes a USB drive and is capable of video playback.


What happens to my original videos and pictures?

Your original media is returned back to you when the digital media is shipped to you.


My original video is blurry, will this help it?

Unfortunately not, we take whatever is on your media and transfer it to digital exactly as it is.


My video might be damaged, can you still digitize it?

We use all the modern techniques available to try to get what's available off the media but it is not guaranteed we can transfer damaged material.


Can I share my digital videos?

Yes, you can make copies of the USB as many times as you would like or share them online on sites like youtube.